Highly Accelerated Life Testing – HALT

Highly Accelerated Life Testing – HALT

During the development period, there are usually very few prototypes available for validation testing. In this case, it is very important to get as much information as possible, while limiting the amount of design / iteration needed to achieve the objectives. It is here that the interest for HALT tests (Accelerated Life Tests) occurs.


Stress Levels

During the test, the product is subjected to the same type of stresses, called stimuli, which it might encounter in service (multi-axis vibration, mechanical impact, temperature variations, humidity, etc.). The level that is applied to stress is deliberately placed very high. The levels of stress generally reach the maximum level of resistance of the materials.

Strength - Resistance

The effect of age on a product causes a decrease in its resistance. Since the stress is uniformly applied over time and its strength decreases, it becomes possible to observe the rupture. To simulate aging or wear, the stress level is increased to create the same phenomenon.

Failure Analysis

Precipitate failure analysis will provide critical information for understanding failure modes. Among other things, it will be possible to take a critical look at the type of failures that are observed rather than stress levels.

HALT testing parameters include:

  • Submit components to salt spray testing;
  • Induce aging by heat;
  • Thermal shock tests;
  • Laboratory simulation of technical failures;
  • Vibration

HALT is included in a number of standards, including:

  • IPC 9592-A
  • ASTM B- 117
  • MIL-STD-311
  • MIL – STD-202
  • MIL-STD-810
  • Other standards are available